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European cities network for business friendly environment (EUC4BIZ)4_euc4biz_logos_800

Two European capitals and five European mid-size and smaller cities, from five different EU countries, despite their differences in size, number of inhabitants, cultural and historical diversity, have identified unfavorable entrepreneurship climate as common problem which is to be discussed on the EU level.

The project "European cities network for business friendly environment" ended in February 2015.

Project aims to exchange needs and to transfer know-how in supporting entrepreneurship on the European level, jointly develop guidelines and recommendations for creating favorable climate for entrepreneurship and to create long lasting cooperation between twinned cities on this specific subject among different stakeholders. The project will enable representatives of the targets group to:
  1. exchange best practices in the field of promotion of entrepreneurship
  2. disseminate lessons learned locally and validate the practical use
  3. to develop common solutions for creation of more favorable climate for entrepreneurship on European level
  4. create closer ties with other European cities
The target groups of the project are representatives of local (regional) authorities responsible for economic development and entrepreneurship; local/regional development agencies; technological parks, labour offices, universities, associations of employers, other NGOs. 
Project activities
Project objective will be achieved within 4 international events which includes seminars, workshops, study visits, final conference and two local events in each participating city/municipality, all followed by the pre-project situation research and development of presentation materials as local assignments.
Public project presentation in Zagreb (February 28, 2013)

I First International event,  16-19 April 2013 – Ferrol, Spain

This international event was composed of coordination meeting and info seminar about the project. Coordination meeting gathered representatives of all partners in the consortium, monitoring and coordination strategy was developed.

During the public conference there was the project presentation to wider audience using opportunity to disseminate knowledge about it to local stakeholders and city authorities and representatives of local companies, business institutions, universities and government, who will be involved in work on the project throughout its duration, ie until the end of next year.

II International event (Seminar & workshops) October 2013 – Warsaw, Poland
The main objectives of the event wereto compare existing models and supports directed to self-employment and development of entrepreneurship, to identify best practise, discuss about constraints and obstacles in effective support of self-employment and to make conclusions necessary for the next assignments.
It is significant that the recently opened Centre of Entrepreneurship Smolna was chosen as a venue of the event.

Lead partner:

Zagreb - Croatia,
  1. Kielce - Poland,
  2. Bydgoszcz - Poland,
  3. Warszawa - Poland,
  4. Norrkoping -Sweden,
  5. Ferrol -Spain,
  6. Rimini - Italy,

More information about EUC4BIZ available at:



Inwestuj w Kielcach